Emergencies do Happen
Visit www.llrprepared.or.uk for advice on preparing for emergencies in your home and in the community.
There is a useful 'Household Emergency Plan Toolkit' for example.
Emergency Numbers - numbers to call in times of a potential or an actual emergency:
999 |
Emergency UK |
112 |
Emergency anywhere in the world |
101 |
Non-emergency Police |
111 |
Non-emergency health advice |
105 |
Power cuts |
0800 111 999 |
National Gas Emergency Service |
0345 988 1188 |
Floodline |
Village Defibrillators
The village now has two defibrillators up and running, one located on the right hand side of the Village Hall, Rectory End and one located on the right hand side of the entrance porch to The Bell Inn on Main Street.
For more information click here.
Contact details for reporting all types of crime and disorder
Contacts for reporting crime and disorder (PDF, 54 Kb)
A list of phone numbers and emails addresses to be used to report all types of crime and disorder.